What's happening now?

Starting in spring 2023, we have constructed neighbourhood bikeways and other cycling improvements using a rapid implementation (“quick build”) process. The Phase 2 cycling network is currently under construction and once completed, will provide connected and safe cycling routes across the Edmonds Town Centre area. Burnaby residents and interested parties are invited to share their voice and experiences using the new facilities and to learn more about future improvements.

Share your voice

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Take the survey

This survey is administered by the City of Burnaby. Personal information collected and used for the purpose of receiving information regarding the Edmonds Town Centre Cycling Network will be managed in accordance with s. 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All personal information collected through this survey will remain confidential and de-identified when shared with the public. For questions regarding the collection of Personal Information and receipt of electronic messages please contact: Marketing and Corporate Communications at communications@burnaby.ca.

Open houses

Drop in to one of our open houses to learn more and ask questions. No registration required.

Wednesday, October 23, 4-7 pm

Edmonds Community Centre

Saturday, October 26, 1-4 pm

Edmonds Community Centre

About this project

As envisioned in Connecting Burnaby, Burnaby’s Transportation Plan, the City has been improving the cycling network in the Edmonds Town Centre area. Through two phases of improvements, the City has expanded local and regional cycling network connections by creating protected, connected, and continuous cycling routes for people of all ages and abilities (AAA). The Edmonds Town Centre cycling network now provides connections to schools, parks, retail, and major transit hubs like the Edmonds SkyTrain Station.

As a City priority project that is aligned with our Climate Action Framework, it has been funded in part through TransLink’s regional cycling investments.

Phase 1

The pilot period for Phase 1 closed on September 30, 2023 and a summary of what we heard can be found here. The project team reviewed the feedback received and made adjustments to the cycling corridors as warranted.

Phase 2

Based on traffic data, parking data and community feedback from previous rounds of public engagements, design improvements were developed for the Phase 2 cycling corridors. Community members were invited to review and provide feedback on the proposed improvements before they were constructed. A summary of what we heard during the preliminary Phase 2 engagement can be found here. Final designs were refined based on feedback received and construction for Phase 2 corridors began in summer 2024. The pilot period for this phase where you can try out the new routes and share your voice is ongoing.

Map of Edmonds Town Centre Cycling Network

(click or tap to enlarge)

What types of improvements were considered?

The improvements we made will help get you where you need to go via cycling routes that are designed to an all ages and abilities (AAA) standard and will encourage cycling to grow as an accessible, safe and comfortable way to travel.

AAA cycling routes will typically help keep cyclists physically separate from moving vehicles or include traffic mitigation measures to address traffic volumes and speeds for a more comfortable and safe cycling experience. The Edmonds Town Centre cycling network includes a mix of different AAA cycling improvements that take into account the differences of each street.

The cycling improvements were designed to improve safety for those who walk, roll or cycle while minimizing impacts to essential city services. We followed best practices and current design standards to provide the community with a safe and comfortable cycling network across the Edmonds Town Centre area.

Here are some examples of the AAA cycling facilities that were constructed in the Edmonds Town Centre area:

Phase 1 protected bicycle lane on Kingsway

A separate travel lane designated exclusively for bicycle use that is physically separated from motor vehicles and pedestrians by vertical and horizontal elements.

Phase 1 neighbourhood bikeway on Mary Avenue

An on-street bikeway where cyclists and drivers share the road on streets with low traffic volumes and speeds. Improvements to make the bikeway safer may include traffic calming, traffic diversions and facilitated crossings of major streets.

Phase 1 multi-use pathway on 15th Street

An off-street pathway that is shared between people who cycle, walk or roll.

What is rapid implementation?

Rapid implementation, or “quick build”, involves using low-cost and adjustable materials to construct instant cycling routes within the existing curb-to-curb space. Most quick build projects can be constructed in days or a few weeks.

Community members are encouraged to try out the upgraded cycling routes and provide feedback about their experiences and how the routes can be improved for all users. Trying out the quick build routes could spark questions, concerns and ideas for the project team to consider. It also allows the project team to observe, collect data and make adjustments easily.

Diagram showing the rapid implementation process

Questions and answers

View questions and answers about this project. Answers are updated as more information becomes available.