What's happening now?

Thank you to all who participated in our Phase 2 public engagement! The project team has finalized the concept designs based on technical analysis and community feedback received. The proposed recommendations were presented to the Transportation Committee on May 29, 2024 for feedback and will be presented to Council for endorsement to advance to detailed design. For more information, please take a look at the Transportation Committee report.

About this project

We’re aiming to make Frances-Union Bikeway, Burnaby Mountain Parkway and Gaglardi Way safer and better-connected for everyone as part of the Vancouver to SFU Cycling Connection Project. Our goal is to make these routes safe, comfortable and connected for people of all ages and abilities.

The Frances-Union Bikeway is an existing neighbourhood bikeway and an important part of Burnaby’s cycling network.

The Burnaby Mountain Parkway has motor vehicle lanes, painted on-street bike lanes and either a shared off-street multi-use pathway or sidewalks along part of the parkway.

Gaglardi Way has motor vehicle lanes and painted on-street bike lanes.

As part of this project, we reviewed, collected and gathered the existing conditions of the bikeway corridors, collected vehicle/cycling volumes and speed data, and gathered your feedback about your experiences using these corridors.

The City received a $5.7 million commitment from the federal government towards improving the Frances-Union Bikeway and Burnaby Mountain Parkway. Proposed improvements for Gaglardi Way will be pursued separately in coordination with planned infrastructure improvements along the same corridor.

What are the benefits of cycling?

Cycling has many benefits, such as:

  • Health: cycling improves one’s physical and mental well-being.
  • Affordability: cycling is a more affordable travel option.
  • Reduced emissions: cycling allows people to use their vehicles less, reducing environmental pollution and improving air quality.

What types of improvements are we considering?

Below are some examples of the potential cycling improvements we’re considering.

Our goals

As envisioned in Connecting Burnaby, Burnaby’s Transportation Plan, this project supports the City’s transportation goals by providing:

  • diverse transportation choices so people can choose how they want to get around
  • better transportation facilities so people can safely and comfortably walk, cycle and roll
  • streets built to serve people of all ages and abilities
  • zero emission transportation facilities

Phase 1 public engagement

In our first engagement phase, we gathered your ideas on improving your biking and rolling experiences along the Frances-Union Bikeway, Burnaby Mountain Parkway and Gaglardi Way. We also gathered technical data to inform the initial design concepts that we are sharing in Phase 2 public engagement.

Curious about the feedback we received, the actions we took, and who we heard from in the first phase of engagement? Take a look at our Phase 1 What We Heard Report for more information.

Phase 2 public engagement

In our second engagement phase, we shared the initial concept designs for the Frances-Union Bikeway, Burnaby Mountain Parkway and Gaglardi Way. The designs were developed based on technical analysis and feedback gathered during Phase 1 public engagement. If you’re curious about what we heard, what we did and who we heard from in the second phase of engagement, take a look at our Phase 2 What We Heard Report.