What's happening now?
We are now in Phase 3 of the project where we are currently undertaking a detailed design of the traffic calming measures and will begin construction in 2022-2023.
If you have any questions, please contact our project team at sperlingduthiestudy@burnaby.ca. You can also sign up to stay informed about project related news by clicking on the "Follow" button at the top of this page.
About this project
The purpose of this project is to develop strategies and solutions to enhance safety for everyone using Sperling Avenue between Broadway and Hastings Street, and Duthie Avenue between Broadway and Ridge Drive. This project also included a review of the nearby intersection at Montecito Drive and Phillips Avenue.
This project is consistent with the City’s Transportation Plan and Climate Action Framework, which aim to improve accessibility and enhance opportunities to shift to healthy and sustainable modes of transportation, such as walking, rolling and cycling.
Duthie Avenue supports pedestrian and cycling traffic, and provides connections to local neighbourhoods. It is also an important north-south connection in Burnaby’s transportation network, connecting to the Francis-Union Bikeway at the north-end of the project area. It supports two transit routes and emergency services delivered from Fire Station #4.
Likewise, Sperling Avenue supports neighbourhood pedestrian, cycling and vehicular traffic and is also an important north-south connection in the city. Sperling Avenue, which is a transit route, connects to the Lakes Bikeway at the south end of the project area, and supports goods movement as a truck route. The study identified existing concerns and issues, and investigated solutions through a technical review and input from residents and other stakeholders.
Project Area Map
Completed project engagement phases
Phase 1—October 2021
We completed Phase 1 of the project in which we collected comments and suggestions from the community and conducted a technical analysis of the project area. We heard from over 850 area residents, businesses and commuters who shared valuable insights and suggestions.
Phase 2–Winter 2021
We completed Phase 2 of the project in which we developed strategies and solutions to enhance safety and travel along Sperling Avenue and Duthie Avenue, and at the intersection of Montecito Drive and Philips Avenue.
In Phase 2, we held a Virtual Public Information Session on December 15th, 2022. We’ve captured the questions from participants and answers from our panel in the public information session.