We are building new sidewalks to better connect our neighbourhoods and provide a safe, accessible and comfortable option for people walking and rolling to meet their daily needs.

The new sidewalk projects on Gilmore Avenue, Carleton Avenue, Dunnedin / Carnegie streets and Portland Street are part of a citywide New Sidewalks Program.

What's happening now?

We’re currently working on the following areas:

  • Gilmore Avenue (between Douglas Road and William Street)
  • Carleton Avenue (between William Street and Union Street)
  • Dunnedin and Carnegie streets (from the laneway to Duncan Avenue)
  • Portland Street (from the cul-de-sac after Buller Avenue to Gilley Avenue)
  • Madison Avenue (Pender Street to William Street)

Detailed design began in the summer of 2024 and is expected to be completed in 2025, with construction anticipated to start in early 2026.

Road and new sidewalk upgrades

Gilmore and Carleton avenues

The image below shows the road upgrades, new sidewalks, and multi-use pathways planned for Gilmore Avenue between Douglas Road and William Street and Carleton Avenue between William Street and Union Street. For more information, view the information boards.

Map of Carleton Avenue

Dunnedin and Carnegie streets

The image below shows the road upgrades and new sidewalks planned for Dunnedin Street and Carnegie Street. For more information, view the information boards.

Map of Dunnedin and Carnegie Streets

Portland Street

The image below shows the road upgrades, new sidewalks, and storm and sanitary sewers planned for Portland Street between the dead-end west of Buller Avenue and Gilley Avenue. For more information, view the information boards.

Portland street map

Madison Avenue

The image below shows the general project area of Madison Avenue, marking the initial phase of our assessment for road and new sidewalk upgrades. For more information, view the information board.

Madison Avenue