About the project

The Mountain Air Bike Skills Course, originally opened in 2008, is being redeveloped with new features to become a first-class local destination for our biking community. The improved skills course will remain in the Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area along the Barnet Highway at the north end of the mountain, and will provide a family-friendly environment suitable for multiple biking styles that is accessible to all levels of riders. The new concept design will feature more durable materials to improve maintenance and longevity of the flow trails, jump lines and pump track.

The redeveloped facility will include:

  • A brand new BMX jump section with berms and jumps returning through a gradual loop
  • A flow trail section with 3 lines of progression that provide an extended riding experience for beginner, intermediate and advanced riders
  • A jump line section where riders can practice skills to progress to more advanced stages as they develop their abilities
  • A pump track area where berms and rollers allow riders to flow with momentum
  • Social and gathering spaces that allow riders to rest and learn from others through observation. These areas will also allow spectators and families to safely watch the action, spend time together, get that perfect camera shot and cheer on riders. A maintenance station will also be included to keep bikes in optimal condition during their time at the course.

Project engagement phases

Thank you to everyone who shared their voice through our public engagement activities. We heard from 622 residents, mountain bikers, BMX riders, park visitors and others about what they think about the detailed design, new features and layout and how they envision using the park in our second survey in January 2023.

In August 2022, we hosted a drop-in open house and conducted our first survey seeking community feedback. A total of 60 members of the public attended the open house and we received responses from 737 people via an online survey. View the display boards presented at the open house.

Our goals

We are committed to creating a safe, healthy and dynamic community by providing public infrastructure and facilities that encourage opportunities for healthy living and well-being, and meet the needs of our growing community while enhancing our environmental health, resilience and sustainability. Learn more by reading our Corporate Strategic Plan.